Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reinventing conservatism, one tweet at a time

Reading The Corner on NRO you see trends.

Facing Internal Exile many of us are floundering, pondering whether the Party is worth the trouble, questioning if BO is really a clear and present danger and then remarking, after the "debate" of RNC Chair candidates, Monday (moderated by Mullah Norquist) "that's just sad."

You, also, may be less than cheered by the consultants, determined (naturally, and as always) to "separate policy from tactics." Meanwhile, the Democrats are preparing to dissolve the electorate, fulfilling a long-held dream to make a majority of voters dependent for their supper on the Federal Government. Republicans have helped this long-term effort, stupidly perhaps, but well-enough that the new President's "refundable tax credits" may very well be the Straw that breaks the Camel's Back.

Which begs the circular question: Is it too late for the Republican Party? Is it worth the trouble?

Heartening is the sudden emergence, from a pack of wannabe, self-actualized Web 2.0 "movements" of

I joined trustingly, as if I was disarming a road-side IED, in Bagdhad's Green Zone.

No one in Silicon Valley is more determined to build "the next killer app" than are Republicans ready, perhaps (finally), to heed good advice our leaders should have understood when first printed in the NRODT ("National Review on Dead Trees") after the 1994 Revolution.

That advice was "abandon all illusion of media sympathy" and "build your own lines of communication."

First, Jim Manzi, one of The Chosen-Citizen Contributors to the casual Corner, who had the following brief posting there Monday. He pointed to a column on Ars Technica recommending, among other advice, Rebuild the Party as worth watching (and Joining, TODAY).

Technology and Winning Elections [Jim Manzi]

If you care about the relationship between new technologies and political success for the Right, this post by Julian Sanchez strikes me as well worth your time. So do the RedState and NextRight posts to which he links. - 01/05 12:56 PM

From the recommended Ars Technica Article by Julian Sanchez:

"The most prominent of the restructuring efforts, though, is Rebuild the Party, brainchild of a group of Republican online strategists who are pushing the idea that adapting to the Internet must be the GOP's top priority over the next four years. They're proposing an ambitious goal of recruiting 5 million new online activists and insisting on a new openness that better integrates distributed grassroots efforts."
Read more HERE.

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